Tips For Lower Back Pain

Tips For Lower Back Pain

Nearly everyone will experience some form back pain at some point in their lifetime. It’s incredibly common. The base of your lower back supports all the weight above and takes a lot of stress and strain during daily life. This is why we have safe weight limits now...
How Do Bones Heal?

How Do Bones Heal?

ccWe get asked this question all the time in clinic as people find it super interesting. Obviously, it’s complex but we’ve made it a little more simplified, so we don’t get bogged down in minor cellular details. So, here’s the simplified overview. Your bone has a...
Causes of Knee Pain

Causes of Knee Pain

Your knee is a complex area, so lots of things can wrong with your knee and lead to you getting knee pain and irritation. You’ve got lots of tendons around your knee, and ligaments outside and inside and little shock absorbers that reduce friction around your knee...
Bad Knees

Bad Knees

Do you feel like you’ve been suffering with “bad knees”? Many people get achy knees as they get older and think it’s something they just have to live with. Initially, it starts off with an ache now and then that is manageable. Understandably they don’t do anything...