How to Get LASTING Results Instead of just patched up


Are you struggling with various aches that don’t seem to go away? Maybe you’ve tried chiro, massage, or YouTube for stretches. But you’re not finding the results that you want?

After a while you can start to think this is just normal, that you’re just unlucky and that your body is supposed to feel like this. Well, the good news is that you body is supposed to feel strong, and you should feel confident in your own body and be able to push your body to work out as hard as you like. Without feeling like your body is unable to cope, and you’re being held back from being as active as you like. The good news is you don’t need to live in fear of injury.

Why do so many options feel like a patch up job in getting you better?


It’s not your fault but many solutions are just designed to help with the pain short term, they’re not getting to the root cause of the issue. To find out what’s really wrong someone needs to sit with you and find out about your injury, lifestyle and activity level and fully assess your injury and take the time to build a recovery plan with you. A proper recovery plan, one that makes your body more resilient not just hurt a little less short term.

Many people just wait several weeks depending on how busy they are and then phone the GP and hope they get through. Often, they don’t even get a hands-on assessment of where it hurts. They often get painkillers, which doesn’t help them find out what’s wrong or get their body stronger and more resilient. When they could really benefit in getting stronger and living their lives to the fullest.

Many people have been elsewhere before they come to us. Wherever they’ve been the person only had 15 minutes with them and doesn’t have time to listen to YOUR wants and needs, and they just tell you to stop doing the activity that hurts (running, swimming, lifting grandkids, cycling etc.) We treat lots of NHS staff including consultants, GP’s, therapists, nurses, and assistants who come to us because they know we have the time to listen to their issues and more time to give them a specific treatment that will help them get back to doing the things they love. And because we have more time, we’ll give them a specific rehab program tailored to them and never a generic hand out.

Another reason lots of people aren’t getting better is because they’ve had a scan that showed normal wear and tear that got labeled a “disc bulge” or “arthritis”.  Lots of people have these issues and very little pain, so there’s lots that can be done to help. But many people get these results and instead of that being the start of their journey to get their body stronger they’re not given the right help and they try to protect the area by moving less and it steadily get slowly weaker and more painful when it doesn’t need to.


The painkiller “solution” that gets in the way of your recovery


Pain doesn’t mean there is inflammation present. Or that inflammation is the cause of your pain. Pain is your body’s warning system and it’s designed to come on before something bad happens. You can think of it like the reverse sensors in your car. They’d be useless if they came on after you damaged your car by hitting something. So, they’re designed to kick in early.

So pain is your body’s way of protecting itself. So it’s like the reverse sensor or the check engine light in the car.  If that light comes on it doesn’t automatically mean you need to bin your engine and get a new one. It can be a sensor being overactive, or an iffy connection or just something minor in your engine. Pain is the same it doesn’t mean you’re damaged or inflamed. Pain is just your body’s way of telling you it doesn’t feel safe. It can be from you moving poorly, or one area is taking too much stress. Painkillers or anti-inflammatory meds won’t fix a movement or too much stress problem. And the pain can grumble on, and you don’t get the results you want recovery wise.


The problem with generic exercises and YouTube exercises is that they are very often not right you. They can be way too easy so they’re not having any effect. Or they’re way too difficult and not right for your stage of recovery and they make the problem worse.


One recent example of why someone wasn’t getting better: –

We had an older personal trainer in who was doing lots of exercises to strengthen his core and back after multiple episodes of back pain. He had done personal training workshops on back pain and spent hours looking up videos. After our assessment we found one of his ankles was completely locked up and restricting his movement on that side, so he was compensating loads when he squatted and overloading his back. So, his new rehab is focused on freeing up that ankle, the cause of his issue rather than just back and core exercises that missed the real issue at this ankle. Once his ankle freed up he went back to squatting and lifting and he had no lower back issues.


How to get a great recovery

 Looking at the whole body, and the whole picture of you as a person (sleep habits, stress levels, diet, exercise routine, etc.), is how to find the true cause of the issue and get long lasting results. The best way to start this is to book a free discovery visit, to come in and chat to us about your issue and we can start finding out more about you, what areas you’re having issues with and what you want to get back to.

If this is something you are interested in, click HERE to see if you qualify! Or give us a call on 07517421800.